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Healing Glaucoma

with Natural Remedies

Start your Self Healing process with your first month of essential Healing Glaucoma remedies:

  • All-natural OcuHeal Eye Drops for botanical and nutritional support of the whole eye...

  • OcuFlow Daytime and Bedtime formulas support healthy ocular fluid dynamics...

  • Neuroprotect supports retinal health maintenance and restoration...

  • WholOmega supplies DHA with phytoceramides from whole algae oil, plus other key fat soluble ingredients. DHA is the main fatty acid in the retina and the brain... Two capsules twice a day is optimal.

  • Neuroceramides support health and healing of the myelin sheath and optic nerve... Phytoceramides may restore functional losses from excitotoxicity...

  • Accelerated Self Healing™

    When you need to add the power of whole body healing support, we'll design the program for you, and keep it up to date with your healing progress...

    Here are examples of visual field restoration our Accelerated Self Healing™ clients have achieved...

    Each person's situation is unique, and changes over time, so we design your program for your unique needs and in real time...

    Glaucoma Case 1

    In this first chart, the dark areas show areas of the retina with loss of visual function...

    The visual field on the right is less than one year after the one on the left...

    In between the two tests, this client completed two one-month programs of Accelerated Self Healing...

    Glaucoma Case 2

    In this second case study, the size of the bars in the graph show the amount of peripheral vision loss.

    Both eyes improved in less than 6 months between tests while engaged in Accelerated Self Healing™...

    The eye with greater vision loss regained nearly half of the vision lost over the preceding years...

    Glaucoma Case 3

    Healing to Avoid Recurrence of Sympathetic Ophthalmia

    After first visit:

    "My whole body straighter."

    Second visit:

    "My son and a friend both said I was looking better. Another friend said my complexion had improved. My ophthalmologist in Honolulu was jubilant. He told me my eyes looked great. I was not surprised because I could tell when I would read, that the yellow in my eyes was much diminished."

    Third visit:

    "My hearing has improved some, my foot continues to get better, the yellow in my eyes seems almost gone, and my reading vision has improved.... My whole body seems to be responding..."

    Then: "Now walking almost normally again."

    And: "I no longer have the feeling of being handicapped. This means I have more zest for life. My husband has noticed I have more stamina."

    Finally: "First dental appointment in years not requiring antibiotics due to report from Dr. Matsuura, heart specialist, that I no longer showed any signs of a prolapsed mitral valve. Credit was given - or at least explanation stated - that I was seeing a holistic doctor."

    Also, after a gauss meter confirmed an electromagnetic field where Joyce was sleeping, the source was moved and she reported:

    "Have been sleeping much more soundly since water pipes were rerouted... I am dreaming more, as Dr. Swartwout said I might."

    - Joyce in Hawai'i

    Joyce had experienced a devastating Sympathetic Ophthalmia inflammatory reaction in both eyes when one eye was operated on for Glaucoma, so she needed to prevent the need for any further eye surgery for Glaucoma or Cataracts, as she would risk going blind from such a reaction again.

    Healing her prolapsed Mitral Valve was merely a side benefit. Her Harvard-trained Cardiologist said that if he had not been the one who originally diagnosed her 30 years prior, he would have been certain that she had been misdiagnosed from the start, because the Mitral Valve is not known to heal.

    About Healing Glaucoma:

    “This book is a great contribution to the emerging paradigm of 21st century vision care.

    It provides a thorough review of many healing modalities in order to help a person’s eye, body and soul heal the condition of glaucoma…

    A must for any patient or professional working with this condition.

    Dr. Swartwout is a pioneer in helping to regenerate our precious gift of sight.”

    - Marc Grossman, O.D., L.Ac., co-author of Greater Vision and co-author of Natural Eye Care with Dr. Glen Swartwout.

    Healing Glaucoma book cover

    Considerations for Exfoliative Glaucoma

    Based on review of the medical literature, several specific remedies are well worth considering in XFG. Following are some relevant quotes from the published studies I recently reviewed, followed by my related recommendations in addition to our general recommendations in Glaucoma:

    "Exfoliative glaucoma is the most common type of secondary open-angle glaucoma worldwide. It is characterized by high intraocular pressure (IOP) and worse 24-hour IOP characteristics."

    Recommendation: OcuFlow Bedtime supports healthy IOP regulation during sleep

    "Amongst the main pathophysiological features of XFG are elastosis, ie, a disturbance of elastin metabolism, and abnormal synthesis and degradation of several other components of the extracellular material. The most characteristic clinical findings comprise the synthesis and gradual accumulation of an abnormal protein (exfoliation or pseudoexfoliation material) on the anterior lens capsule, pupil margin, zonules, and anterior chamber angle, along with liberation and deposition of pigment throughout the anterior segment of the eye.""Value of IOP reduction achieved via removal of exfoliation material and pigment from the trabecular mesh-work (phacoemulsification cataract surgery, ab interno trabeculotomy, trabecular aspiration). This can be substantial, but in most cases is only temporary, since the synthesis and deposition of exfoliation material is continuous.2,6"

    Recommendation: Systemic Proteolytic Enzyme formulations: Clear the Way and Fibrolysis Factors

    "The known risk alleles of the single nucleotide polymorphisms of the lysyl oxidase-like protein 1 represent nearly 100% of the population at risk for XFS, but conversion from XFS to XFG is considered a result of environmental factors that increase oxidative stress in the anterior chamber.4,9,10 Elevated levels of oxidative stress markers (eg, 8-iso prostaglandin F2α, endothelin 1) and a decrease in antioxidant protection molecules (eg, a low ascorbic acid concentration) have been shown in the anterior segment of eyes with XFS or XFG.10 These changes are considered to be the underlying reasons for nuclear cataract formation, dysfunction of the trabecular meshwork, and in addition to elastosis, they may play a role in the development of zonular fragility, which can result in lens subluxation or luxation leading to secondary angle closure glaucoma.2 It has recently been shown that the lamina cribrosa becomes more vulnerable in XFG due to elastosis.4,11 This is of clinical significance since mean, peak, and fluctuation of 24-hour IOP in XFG are considerably higher than in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), and the long-term intervisit IOP variation is also greater.6 The vulnerability of the lamina cribrosa (ie, decreased resistance against mechanical deformation) exacerbates optic nerve head damage induced by the unfavorable IOP profile. Consequently, progression in XFG without treatment is three times more rapid than that seen in untreated POAG.12"

    Recommendations for mitigating Oxidative Stress in AC: Vitamin C Syntropy (the complete intracellular antioxidant system), and Neuro Eye Drops

    "There is growing evidence for systemic associations of PES with peripheral, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular system diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, hearing loss, and increased plasma homocysteine levels."

    "Other non-genetic factors related to pseudoexfoliation, including oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation, can influence the expression of LOXL1.16,17""...low-grade chronic inflammation plays a role in the formation of pseudoexfoliation"

    Recommendation: Methyl Donor TMG (Trimethylglycine) to decrease homocysteine level if elevated

    Recommendation: Reduce systemic inflammation with Ocular Terrain Restore and Immune Modulation

    Recommendation: Increase integrity of vascular endothelium as well as blood eye barrier with Ocular Terrain Restore

    Recommendation for mitigating Oxidative Stress: Vitamin C Syntropy (the complete intracellular antioxidant system)

    "PEM is associated with reduction in tear secretion and tear film stability.33,34,35"

    Recommendation: Neuro Eye Drops includes ingredients that support a healthy tear film

    © Copyclaim 2023

    Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

    [email protected] 

    PO Box 126

    Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

    +1 (808) 217-9647

    [*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.] T.D.C.